Tales of Two Turkeys

I live on a farm, and farms can be pretty adventurous and weird at times. NO alien landings, yet, though. Okay, so I have two stories here involving turkeys. ONe’s kind of sad and the other’s a little scary. The sad one was about Henry. DAd raised white turkeys every year for Thanksgiving. HEnry was beat up by the other tom turkeys and so we decided the poor guy wasn’t good enough to eat with all those pecking wounds and things. So we kept him as a pet. He’d go around the barn, gobbling and showing off like all turkey dudes do. My youngest sister got really attached to him. WEll, one winter day, HEnry was found frozen dead in the barn. My youngest sister cried. The strange sight was when her and I loaded the turkey onto a plastic sled and tromped down the field and buried him. It was an epic journey, the journejourney of Henry, the greatest, gentlest turkey ever. NOw, the opposite goes for Miss Turk, who was Henry’s dark twin. Alright, not really, since they weren’t rlated. Now Miss Turk, the stupid name I called her then, also had been picked on by other turkeys. This was after Henry’s death. EVery morning I fed the cats their catfood and MIss Turk, who ranged fre in the barn, would rush over and swallow the dry catfood bits in, uh, gobbles. Heh. I found this really entertaining for some dumb reason. I’d pet the turkey and really liked her. Till she went bad. That summer she began stalking around the yard, and soon became strangely territorial, blocking me at every turn I took the day I was hanging up laundry on the line. IT freakd me out. I headed for the house, but the darn bird blocked me, wings outspread and hissing with every leap as she tried getting me with her talons. She’d grown big, too, with all that catfood,, I guess. I soon grew really scared of MIss Turk and one day I managed to get inside the house, barely escaping her talons to the leg. I told DAD about it and he shot the bird that day. Told ya it wasn’t such a good story. Maybe not even appropriate for this time of season as you sit down to eat that steamy stuffed turkey. Henry or Miss Turk? You decide.

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